3 minor bug fixes in LRS Lite

A new version (10.2.118) of the LRS Lite toolset has been released.

This version includes the following enhancements:

  • The ‘Pan To’ context menu item for the From and To XY coordinates input has been modified to work correctly. The tool would only work if the XY textbox was the active form control. It now works even when the XY textbox is not the active control.
  • Modified the geocoder routines. They were still using the deprecated LRM_Type codes of 71, 81, and 91 to identify ramps. The geocoder now uses codes 74 and 75 per the LrsSubType domain.
  • Modified the ‘Display Measures’ tool -- as it would occasionally display an error related to attempting an operation on an empty geometry when using the tool on a non-simple polyline shape.

Geocoder enhancements . . . (a couple more)

A new version (10.2.117) of the Lite toolset now exists.

This version incorporates the following enhancements to the geocoder’s ‘Write New Solution to Database?” dialog:

  • The label is determined for the record and is displayed behind the ObjectID. Note that a label is NOT displayed if it resolves to an empty string.
  • The status ‘geocoding <LayerName> (## of ##)’ is displayed between the title bar and the ‘Geocoding Results’ label.

Geocoder enhancements . . .

A new version (10.2.114) of the Lite toolset has been released.

This version incorporates the following enhancements:

  • Modified the geocoder so that it will output the Object IDs of all features with a SWO or NEO > 0 as failed geocodes when the ‘Restrict solving where offsets are non-zero’ checkbox is checked on the LRS Geocoding Wizard.
  • When geocoding multiple layers, you can stop processing ALL layers by pressing the Ctrl key while clicking the ‘Stop Geocoding’ button on the ‘Write New Solution to Database?’ dialog.